Foto de Ciro Quintana Estados Unidos

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Born in 1964,Havana, Cuba.
Lives and work in Miami,Florida.USA


1979-Elementary School of Fine Art,"20 de Octubre"Havana,Cuba

1983-Academy of Fine Art"San Alejandro",Havana,Cuba

1987-Superior Intitute of Art(I.S.A),Havana,Cuba.

1989-Course in Photoengraving."La Fototeca de Cuba",Havana,Cuba

1990-International Course in Silkscreen,Taller...

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Foto de Ciro Quintana Estados Unidos



Born in 1964,Havana, Cuba.
Lives and work in Miami,Florida.USA


1979-Elementary School of Fine Art,"20 de Octubre"Havana,Cuba

1983-Academy of Fine Art"San Alejandro",Havana,Cuba

1987-Superior Intitute of Art(I.S.A),Havana,Cuba.

1989-Course in Photoengraving."La Fototeca de Cuba",Havana,Cuba

1990-International Course in Silkscreen,Taller Rene Portocarrero,Havana,Cuba.


1987-First Award in Drawing,"Salon 13 de marzo,"Havana,Cuba

1987-First Award in Drawing,"Salon Plaza",Havana,Cuba

1987-First Award in Drawing,"Salon Joven Creador","young creator salon",Havana,Cuba

1988-Honorary Mention,IV international Triennal of Drawing,Wrowclaw,Poland

1988-First Award,"Scientific Journey of the I.S.A",Provincial Center of Visual Art and Design,Havana,Cuba

1988-V Telarte,international event,Provincial Museum of Villa Clara,Las Villas,Cuba.

1989-Honorary Mention "Salon de La Ciudad",Havana,Cuba.

1989-First Award in Painting ,"Salon del i.S.A",Havana,Cuba.

1989-Gold Medal for the best entry for a country,Cuba,inThe First Biennal of the Caribbean and Central American,Santo Domingo,Dominican Republic.

1989-First Award,"Grupo Pure",exhibition Scientific journey of the I.S.A,Havana,Cuba.

1996-"Visual Art Fellowship",for the Southern Art Federations and National Endowment for the Arts,Florida,U.S.A.

1997-"Lila Wallace-Rider Digest Artist at Giverny Programs"Fellowship-Giverny,Monet Foundation,France.


1988-"Postmodernismo en cuba,NOO….".Fototeca de cuba,La Havana,Cuba

1989="Hacer arte a lo cubano"Galeria Centro Provincial de Artes Plastica y Diseno,Havana,Cuba.

1990-"Made in Cuba",Expo Museo Provincial de Villa Clara,Las Villas ,Cuba

1991-"Obra para una Biennal No del Tercer Mundo",galeria Servando Cabrera Moreno,IV Bienal de la Habana/IV Biennal of Havana.

1992-"Ciro Art Obras Recientes",XVIII Bienal de Artes Visuales de Santo Domingo,Dominican Republic.Museum of Modern Art Santo Domingo,Dominican Republic.

1992- "CiroArt obras recientes",Art Nouveau Gallery Santo Domingo,Dominican Republic.

1993-"Obras Recientes",Eastern national Bank and the American Collection Gallery,Coral Gables ,Florida,USA.

1995-"The art of making art out Cuba",Loring Gallery,Masachuset.USA.

1997-"Works for the Lila Wallace", Rider Digest Fellowship,Giverny Program,Giverny,France.

2001-"Recents works by CiroArt",Claude Monet Foundation Gallery,Giverny ,France./Gallery Kunstalle Dusseldorf,Germany.

2002-Works for the fellowship ,Contemporary Gallery of Lipzet,germany

2007-"Farewell to the arms",Solo exhibition for the Antique and fine art show,auditorium of Santa Monica,California,USA

2009-"The Empire strike Back",Recents Work of Ciro Art, BellaArt Fine Art Gallery.


"Pure expone"Galeria Sala Talia, Havana, Cuba

"Homage", Pure Expone, Group pure ,Galeria Moderna poesia, Havana, Cuba.

"Relevos del I.S.A, Group Pure, II Biennal of Havana, Havana, Cuba.

"10 Anos del I.S.A", National Museum of Fine Arts, Havana, Cuba.

"Veintitantos Abriles", Galeria Habana, Havana, Cuba.

"Strictly Personal"Fototeca de cuba", Havana, Cuba.

"Salon de Grabado""Graphic Competition,National Museum of Fine Art, Havana, Cuba.

"It Only What you see"Havana, University, Facultad de filologia, Cuba.

"Salon Plaza !987", Drawing Salon, GAllery 23 y 12, Havana, Cuba.

"Salon 13 de Marzo", Gallery Sala Talia, Havana, Cuba.

IV International Triennal of Drawing in Wroclaw, Poland, Museum of Architecture, Wroclaw, Poland.

"Salon de Premiados", Rostock Gallery, Germany and National Gallery, Praga, Czecholovakia

"Group Action,Meditar",Performance in the Plaza,Havana,Cuba.

"Roots in Action"CarrilloGil Museum, Mexico, Museum of contemporaryArt in Lima, Peru, Museum of Art In Caracas, Venenzuela.

"Havana In Madrid", Cultural center in Madrid., Madrid, Spain.

"Young Cuban Art"Massachussetts College of Art, Boston, USA.

"Contemporary cuban Art"Tretriakov Gallery, Russia.

"Salon de premiados del ISA", Provincial Center of Visual Arts and Design, Havana, Cuba.

"II Encuentro de jovenes Artistas", Provincial Museum of VillaClara, Cuba.

"V Telarte", Provincial Museum of VillaClara, Cuba.

"Young Cuban Art - RDA", Nation Museum of Fine Arts, Havana Cuba.

"Young Cuban and RDA Art", Alten Museum or Old Museum, Berlin, Germany.

"III Biennal of Havana", National Museum of Fine Art, Havana, Cuba.

""Kitsch", Galiano Gallery, Havana, Cuba.

"Salon de la Ciudad", Provincial Center of Visual Arts and Design, Havana, Cuba.

"VI Telarte international", Center of Development of Visual Arts, Havana, Cuba.

"Kuba Ok", Cuban art, Stadische Kunstalle, Dusseldorf, Germany

"No Man Is an Island"Pori Taiden Museum, Finland, Palffi Palace of Art Vienna , Austria, Mucsarnok National Gallery Hungary.

"No por mucho madrugar amanece mas temprano"Fototeca de Cuba.Havana, Cuba.

"The Nearest Edge of the World", Art cuba Now"Art gallery in boston, Bronx museum, New york.

"80 cuban artist"Seville fair, Pabellon of Cuba, Seville, Spain.

"A Few humorous Stories"Center of Development of the Visual Arts, Havana, Cuba.

"Art of the east - Art of the west, Ludwig Forum for International Art, Aacheen, Germany.

"Sala de Nuevas Adquisiciones","New Acquisitions"/ National Museum of fine Arts of Cuba, Havana, Cuba.

"1492 - 1992 ,Regard Surle Caraibe", Escape Carpeaux de Courbevoie, Paris, France.

"Group Exhibition of Cuban Art in Japan"(exhibition of cuban art curated by (el ministerio de cultura de Cuba).National Gallery, Japan.

"La Decada Prodigiosa"La Plastica cubana de los 80,The Art of Cuba of the 80/, Chopo Museum ,Mexico.

"First Biennial of the Caribbean and Central America, Museum of Fine Arts of Santo domingo, Dominican Republic.

"La Galeria Colleccion", La Galeria, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.

"All Together"Art nouveau Gallery, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.

"Vondor Aus Kuba", Ludwig Forum for International Art, Aacheen, Germany.

"Cuban Art" Krings Ernst Gallery, Cologne, Germany.

"Made in Cuba"Krings Ernst Gallery, cologne, Germany.

"Son" Group exhibition of 14 cuban artists Dcota, Design Center of America, Florida, USA

"Caribe art Exhibition", Unesco Traveling Exhibition, Curacao.

"Group exhibition" in Carla Stellweg Gallery New York

"13 Cuban Artist"Centro Euro Americano, Caracas, Venezuela.

"Works on paper"Gallery La Boheme Fine Art, Miami, Florida.

"Ludwig Collection", Ludwig Forum for international art,Aacheen museum, Germany.

"Group exhibition, La Galeria, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.

"Small Format, La Boheme Gallery, Coral Gables, Florida.

"Caribe Art Exhibition, Unesco Traveling Exhibition, Martinique.

"Group Show Exhibition, Loring Gallery, Sheffield. Massachuset .USA

"CATE",Selection of the Caribe Art Unesco traveling exhibition.

"Arte para el gusto"La Boheme Gallery, Coral gables, Florida.

"Exhibition for the 1996 Visual Artists Fellowship for the Southern Art Federations and National Endowment for the Arts", SECCA Museum of Winston Salem, North
Carolina, USA.

"Regional Artists A Sampling", Museum of Art of Fort Laudardale, Florida.

"Breaking Barriers"Selection for the Museum of Art Contemporary Cuban Collection, Museum of Art of Fort Laudardale.

"Exhibition" for the Lila Wallace - Reader Digest, Artist at Giverny Programs, Giverny, France.

"Ludwig Collection Show, Sammlung Ludwig,Ludwig Forum for international Art, Aacheen, Germany.

"Exhibition for the Residency and Fellowship, in Berlin, Berlin,Allten museum, Germany.

" The Passion and Beauty ", Cuban Art exhibition, University of North Carolina At Chapel Hill, University center for international studies..

" Hedendaagse Cubaanse Kunst uit de Verzameling van het Ludwig Forum, Museum Oud - Hospitaal, Aalst, Belgien.

" Horror Vacious "A Summer Show, Jose Alonso Fine Art, Miami, Florida.

"Breaking Barriers", The Snitte Museum of Art, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana.

"Palmas Reales y Vitrales"Group Show Exhibition, Jose Alonso Fine Art, Miami, Florida.

"Kunst Aus Kuba/Art from Cuba"The Ludwig Collection In San Petersburg Museum, Russia.

"Breaking Barriers", Naples Museum of Art, Naples, Florida.

"New Art of Cuba", Group show Exhibition, Jose Alonso Fine Arts, Miami, Florida.

"Paper"Group show Exhibition, Jose Alonso Fine Arts, Miami, Florida.

Art Miami, Art Fair, Miami Beach Convention Center.Miami, Florida.

"Showing the collection", Ludwig Forum for international Art, Aacheen, Germany.

"Group show exhibition"The Loring Gallery, Shieffeld, Massachusett,

Latin American Masters, La Galeria, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.

"Art of the Caribbean", group show exhibition, Curacao and Martinique.

"Small Format", La Boheme Gallery, Miami, Florida.

Antique and Fine Art show, Santa Monica Auditorium, Pro Arte Gallery, New York.

"Group Show"Master and Cuban Art, Pro Arte Gallery, new york.

"Group show exhibition, Art of the Caribbean, house of France, Santo domingo, Dominican Republic


"International competition of Drawing,Agora gallery,New York.

"Cuban painting",Group show in the National Gallery Beijing,China.

"Group show the Gramercy Art and antique Fair, Conecticut ,USA

"Group show ,Antique and Fine art show ,Santa Monica auditorium,California.

"Group show of artists from Miami",Bella Arte Fine art,Miami,Florida,USA.

"Group Show exhibition"Drawing from Cuba", National gallery Tokio , Japan.

"Group show exhibition of the collection of Ludwig of Cuban art in the Ludwig Forum of international art,Aachen,Germany.

Recent Acquisition of the Latin American Art Collection of the Museum's of Fort Laudardale ,Florida,USA.

"Arte al filo 1"/ independent collector exhibition,Jorge de la Fuente collection.


-Pori Taiden Museum,Pori,Finland.

-Peter Ludwig collection,Cologne ,Germany

-Ludwig Forum for international Art,Aachen,Germany.

-Leipzig Museum,Germany.

-National Museum of Havana Cuba(Museo de Bellas artes).

-Krings Ernst Gallery,Cologne ,Germany.

-Museum of Modern Art of Ft Lauderdale,Florida/USA.

-Museum of Modern Art of Santo Domingo.Dominican Republic

-Carla Stellweg Gallery,New york,USA.

-Jose Raul Alonso Fine Art.

-Rodney Derick fine art collection,North Carolina,USA

-Gerap Hauper collection,Germany

-Jurgen Hartten, private collection,dusseldorf,Germany

-Collection "La Galeria",Santo Domingo,Dominican Republic.

Arturo and Lisa Mosquera,collection,Miami,Florida

Maria Luisa Lobo Collection.

Maria Cristina del Valle collection.

Private Collections in Miami,New york,Boston,Mexico,Argentina,Salvador,Puerto Rico,Spain,Italy,Germany,Dominican Republic,Poland,Cuba


-Kuba Ok,(catalogue of cuban Art)1990,Kunstalle Dusseldorf,germany.

-East Kunts and West Kunst,1991,pag 166-167,Ludwig Forum for International Arts.Germany

-Kunst Aus Kuba,Art from Cuba,The Ludwig Collection, St Petersburg,Russian Museum / pag 126-127 / 2001

-Carib-Art/ Contemporary Art of the Caribbean,pag 334 / 1993

-Camnitzer,Luis,"New Art of Cuba", Austin ,Texas,USA,/pag-242-247/1994.

-"The Nearest edge of the world".,Art on Cuba now,catalogue for the Exhibition of Cuban art.Boston,Massachusett.

-"Raices en accion"/"Roots in Actions", Catalogue for the exhibition,Carrillo Gil Museum,Mexico.

-"La Habana en Madrid"/"Havana in Madrid",catalogue for the exhibition,Spain,fundacion Jaime Gouach.

-"Los Hijos de Guillermo Tell"/"The sons of William Tell",catalogue for the show.

-Connaissance dess Arts d79.2001/"Artistes Cubains a Miami,pag 115-123 / Ciro Quintana ,pag 118.

-"No Man is a island"Catalogue for the exhibition of Cuban Art./Porin Taiden Museum.Finland.

-"80 Cuban Artist",Pavillion of Cuba.Seville International Fair 1992.(catalogue).

-"Breaking Barrier".Catalogue for the selection of the Museum's of Art permanent collection,Ft Laudardale Museum,-pag 165-166.

-"Young Cuban Art un RDA,Germany,Alten Museum,Berlin,Germany.

-III Biennal of Havana,Catalogue for the exhibittion,National Museum of Fine Art, Havana,Cuba,1989.

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